Believe, Grow, Achieve


What is the role of the Governing Body?

Governors make visits into school so that we are able to see for ourselves what is happening in the school. We are closely involved in the Ofsted inspection process and in monitoring action plans put in place to improve standards in school.

The role of governor is rewarding and challenging. It is all about the children.

Our role is strategic not operational; non staff governors are not involved in the day to day running of the school. We are there as a 'critical friend', especially for the leadership of the school, and are a source of advice, support and challenge, providing accountability. We have strong support from the Local Authority and receive training on what is expected of us as governors. 

 How could you become a governor?

The school will make the school community aware if there are vacancies on the governing body. However, there is further information on the National Governors Association (NGA) website on both the role of a governor and how you can become a governor if you are interested.


Commence Date

End of term

Link Roles

Register of governor interests

Mrs L Hoyle




9.11.2020 31.8.25

Safeguarding and e-Safety


 Church School




 Science and Maths


Mrs C Chappell


Parent Governor


12.10.22 11.10.26

PE/Sports Premium




Mr M Grimes

Vice Chair

Co-opted Governor

1.3.2022 28.2.2026

Safeguarding and e-Safety


Science and Maths


Mrs J Grant



6.1.2020 5.1.2024



Church School


Music and French

Child minder

Rev. Simon Pritchard


Foundation Governor

14.4.2021 -

RE/ Collective Worship


Church School


RE and Music

Parish Priest

Taff Bowles

LA Governor

30.4.2021 29.4.2025

Educational Visits


Geography and History

Provides First Aid training to school

Mrs L Thurston

Coopted Governor

1.9.2022 31.8.2026


Art and PE/Sports Premium




Mr Thomas-Peter



9.3.21 8.3.25


Works at local secondary school

Mrs C McTernan

Parent Governor

21.1.2022  20.1.2026 

Science and Maths 



Miss C Pemberton

Staff Governor

1.9.2021 21.8.2025





Mr K Henderson

Staff Voting Head

09.04.2018 - - None

 Mrs K Cooper 

Staff Governor 

29.02.2024 29.02.2028

Pupil Premium/LAC


Design and Technology


Governor Information

 Mrs L Hoyle

Co - Chair of Governors

I joined the governing body in October 2016 and was elected Chair in November 2016. Married for 36 years we have 3 daughters with 2 of them teachers. I retired from work in 2016 after being a teacher and then headteacher for a total of 37 years. My background in education and experience as a governor in a variety of roles (Parent, teacher, foundation and headteacher) has played a huge part in me wanting to give something back to the village I live in.

I want the best for all children and want to use my knowledge and understanding to provide support to the school. As a parent, grandparent and educator I want the education experience to be happy, safe and fulfilling.

Mrs C Chappell

Co-Chair of Governors


Mr M Grimes

Vice Chair of Governors 

Co-opted Governor

I am a serving police officer and have 14 years experience working across numerous areas within North Yorkshire and Merseyside Police. I understand how early childhood experiences can shape futures and want to be a part of creating an environment that allows young people to feel safe and achieve their goals

I have 2 daughters at Wilberfoss Primary and I am keen to utilise my experience to contribute to decisions and policies that will allow the pupils and staff to excel and flourish during their time at Wilberfoss.


Mrs L Thurtson

Parent Governor

I joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in June 2018. I have a five year old son in F2, who is really enjoying his school experience so far. I am a Strategic Project Manager at the University of York, leading on activities to support the development of students’ employability and their graduate employment prospects.

I have worked in the higher education sector for 15 years in a range of roles working with students, schools and employers. Outside of work I enjoy time with my family, baking, walking and running - I recently completed my first half marathon.

Previously, I have served eight years as both a charity trustee and a secondary school governor in York. I am now delighted to be involved with Wilberfoss Primary.


Reverend Simon Pritchard

Foundation Governor


Mrs J Grant

Foundation Governor

I’ve Childminded in Wilberfoss for over 20 Years and love being part of village life.

Our Girls (16 and 10) have both attended School with our youngest now in Year 6 and attending Wilberfoss School myself many years ago I very much value the opportunity to see what goes on on the inside and how things change. 

My passion is EYFS and I can’t wait for all of the children to start their amazing journey here and for me to be a small part of that team. 


Mr T Bowles

LA Governor

I have taught Geography and Outdoor Education in schools and residential outdoor activity centres for most of my career. Between 2003 and 2019 I worked for ERYC's School Improvement Team as the Educational Visits and Outdoor Education Adviser and I was involved closely with all the county's schools. I am currently self employed and I continue to work freelance in East Riding schools, delivering first aid and outdoor learning training for staff. I live close to Wilberfoss and was delighted to accept the Headteacher's invitation to join the Governor team and support the school in any way that I can.


Mr M Thomas-Peter

Co-opted Governor


Mrs C McTernan

Parent Governor

I have been a private client solicitor since qualifying in 2009 and in this role I have built up a wealth of experience in dealing with administrative matters and formal paperwork. 

I attended Wilberfoss Primary School myself and my children have both been in attendance since foundation (now years 6 and 3 respectively). I am enthusiastic to learn about, and contribute to, decisions relating to the running of the school and am available to attend meetings outside school hours. I have also colunteered on the FOWS Committee for several years.


Mrs K Cooper 

Staff Governor 

I am delighted to be a newly appointed member of the Governor team at Wilberfoss Primary School. 

I have been a member of staff for over ten years and thoroughly enjoy being part of the school community, supporting children's learning and watching them grow and develop as they progress  through school. 

I am particularly interested in children's emotional well being and how this is supported in school.

Outside of school, I have 2 children, 1 husband, 1 dog, 2 cats and 1 snake to keep me busy! 



Governors must declare any relevant business interests as well as the details of any other educational establishments they govern.  The register must also set out any relationships between governors and members of the schools staff including spouses, partners and relatives.  It is important to address any perception of a conflict of interests by making clear where such potential personal or pecuniary interests might apply; this might be a conflict between personal interests and the interests of the school or the Council when dealing with outside organisations or individuals.

Note 1.    Pecuniary interest includes current employment, businesses (of which partner/proprietor), company directorship, charity trusteeship and other conflict.

Note 2.    Personal Interests can also include business involvement/company directorship or trusteeships or family or close connections to the governor (for example a company the school might have contracts with).

Examples (potential conflicts):

  • A governor whose spouse/partner is employed by the school: Should not take part in discussion regarding the school’s pay policy or any staffing matter that might impact on their partner.  Both direct and indirect decisions might impact on the salary range of senior staff e.g. increasing pupil numbers.
  • A governor involved with any committee group, business or after school club who hire part of the school: Should not be party to discussion involving the use of the school or their charging policy.
  • A governor who is a supplier of goods or services to the school : Should not take part in decisions regarding the letting of contracts for that type of goods or services where a sub-contract relationship might exist.

The register of governor interests must also include details of attendance record at the governing body meetings and committees over the year and reviewed and updated on an annual basis indicating also when a governor steps down.

Associate governors must be included on the register and it should be clear when they have voting rights.

Attendance at Governors Meetings 2023/24

wps teal lgb attendance register 2023 24.pdf