Believe, Grow, Achieve



Home Learning - The Wilberfoss Way

Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.

The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home

A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.

Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, where children would normally work as a group in PE to choreograph a street dance, instead we are sending home links to dances on YouTube or similar for children to practise and maintain their exercise whilst at home.

Remote teaching and study time each day

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:

Key Stage 1

For KS1 there is an expectation from the DfE that schools should set 3 hours of work each day.

Our teachers are uploading onto SeeSaw phonics, reading books, English lessons and supporting with White Rose Maths each day.

In addition, they are sending out a range of subjects across the week, including PSHE (HeartSmart), RE, links to PE related activities, art, music etc. There is more than 3 hours of content available, as we are also signposting parents to Oak NAtional Academy if they would like to do some additional work.

To be clear, we understand that every family has it's own needs and circumstances and that it may not be possible to do everything. In this instance, we would ask you to do the core elements where possible (reading, English, maths).

Key Stage 2


For KS2 there is an expectation from the DfE that schools should set 4 hours of work each day.

Our teachers are uploading onto Google Classroom various tasks, including  English lessons and supporting with White Rose Maths each day. Alongside this there are spelling and grammar tasks and 4 Ops arithmetic each day.

In addition, they are sending out a range of subjects across the week, including topic work which will focus mainly on geography or history, PSHE (HeartSmart), RE, links to PE related activities, art, music etc. There is more than 4 hours of content available, as we are also signposting parents to Oak National Academy if they would like to do some additional work.

To be clear, we understand that every family has it's own needs and circumstances and that it may not be possible to do everything. In this instance, we would ask you to do the core elements where possible (reading, English, maths).

Accessing Remote Education

How will my child access any online remote education we are providing?

Each phase group is using an online platform that is available on any device.

In EYFS, Tapestry is the main way to access videos from EYFS teachers, including phonics and spelling. All parents have a login already for Tapestry, and there is a link to the website here:

In Y1-3, children have access to SeeSaw to watch any video lessons and upload examples of the work that they have completed. All parents have their child's login details, and there is a link to the website here:

In Y4-6, children are accessing learning on Google Classroom. All work is embedded within subjects lists, and tasks are to be uploaded each day by the children at home. Every child has their own Google account so this can be accessed in multiple places. Google Classroom can be accessed after logging into a Google account.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that not all pupils will have access to suitable resources at home. There are a number of steps we can take to support:

- If parents require technical help, our staff are willing to spend time creating tutorials or speaking to individuals over the phone to help sort out any issues.

- The school is loaning out devices where a child has access to the internet but not the device itself. We only have a limited number of devices, but we are currently fundraising to add more devices to our offer.

- If a children cannot access any online support, packs of work can be printed out and parents can collect work from the foyer at school. This work can be brought back each week for the teacher to assess and provide some feedback for future learning.

How will my child be taught remotely?

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach children remotely:

- Live sessions (these are currently morning check-ins, or are small group interventions for those that need additional support (e.g. phonics in KS2)

- Recorded teaching (this is in the form of either own own teachers recording video or audio instructions for the children to follow, or we are using Oak National Academy lessons where it fits with our original topics)

- Printed paper packs for those without access to online work

- Other commercially available websites that we subscribe to (e.g. White Rose Maths, Language Angels)

Engagement and Feedback

What are our expectations on a child's engagement and the support levels parents and carers should provide?

 As outlined above, we have set more than the allocated 3 or 4 hours of learning in each phase. We are understanding of parent's situations and work commitments, and the reason that we have gone down the approach of more recorded sessions and less live sessions is to provide flexibility for families.

We hope that most families will be able to formulate a routine, and we hope that parents will support their children to be able to complete the core subjects on offer (e.g. phonics, spelling and grammar, arithmetic, maths lessons, English lessons, reading). This will allow our teachers to continue to assess pupils work, provide feedback and hopefully ensure a smoother transition back to school after isolation and lockdown.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

Children's work will be checked every day when it is uploaded to one of the providers we have highlighted. Teachers and TAs will be online supporting and encouraging children to complete their work.

If we notice that there is limited work uploaded over a period of time, we will contact parents and offer help and support where necessary and encourage parents to support their child to maintain routine and upload the core subject work wherever possible.

How will you assess my child's work and progress?

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. 

Our approach will be to acknowledge as much work as possible, and offer feedback and chances to improve tasks where we see aspects for improved performance. We would then hope to see your child go back to their work and show us their improvements wherever possible.

Additional Support for pupils with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

- Small focus groups to maintain interventions where possible (e.g. phonics in KS2)

- Regular contacts with teacher or TA to support families with strategies to help at home

Some great links for home learning and fun!

Ruth Miskin - Daily Phonics session (We use this scheme at Wilberfoss)

White Rose Maths - videos and worksheet ideas (We follow this scheme at Wilberfoss)

Jane Considine - writing activities with daily videos on You Tube (Our KS2 children have been using some of Jane's methods as Mrs Scott and Mrs King went on her training in 2019)

Oak National Academy Lessons - click here  

 Joe Wicks - PE Sessions Daily at 9am

Leeds University - Primary Links Collection (Links to lots and lots of varying websites, tasks and lessons)

Literacy Shed+ A brilliant set of now free resources for reading and writing. (We are using some of these video resources to provide cross year activities - your teacher will send out the work packs each week)

Twinkl - Lots of work from home resources - free with the code UKTWINKLHELPS

Times Table Rockstars (Complete online on a laptop or download the app on a tablet or phone - this is a great times table resource that we buy into at Wilberfoss. Children have their own log in in KS2 - contact your class teacher if you have any issues)

Number Gym (Children should have a log in which is Wilberfoss and the password if York, can log in online on a laptop but also they have some downloadable apps)

Hit the Button (Can be used online or you can download an app)

Drawing with Sarah McIntyre (Drawing lessons each day on YouTube with an artist)

Harptoons (Drawing with Steven Harper - cartoons)

BBC Bitesize (lots of home learning TV programmes for children)

Home Learning from 2020


F1 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

F1 - Home Learning 30.3.2020

F1 - Home Learning 20.4.2020 

F1 - Home Learning 27.4.2020 

F1 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

F1 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

F1 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW

F2 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

F2 - Home Learning 30.3.2020 

F2 - Home Learning 20.4.2020 

F2 - Home Learning 27.4.2020 

F2 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

F2 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

F2 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW

Sound Mat


Year 1 - Home Learning 30.3.2020 

Year 1 - Home Learning 20.4.2020 

Year 1 - Home Learning 27.4.2020

Year 1 - Home Learning 4.5.2020 

Year 1 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW!

Year 2 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

Year 2 - Home Learning 30.3.2020 

Year 2 - Home Learning 20.4.2020

Year 2 - Home Learning 27.4.2020

Year 2 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

Year 2 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

Year 2 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW!


Year 3 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

Year 3 - Home Learning 30.3.2020

Year 3- Home Learning 20.4.2020

Year 3 - Home Learning 27.4.2020 

Year 3 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

Year 3 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

Year 3 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW!

Year 4 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

Year 4 - Home Learning 30.3.2020

Year 4 - Home Learning 20.4.2020

Year 4 - Home Learning 27.4.2020 

Year 4 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

Year 4 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

Year 4 - Home Learning 4.5.2020 - NEW!

Year 5 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

Year 5 - Home Learning 30.3.2020

Year 5- Home Learning 20.4.2020

Year 5 - Home Learning 27.4.2020 

Year 5 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

Year 5 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

Year 5 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW!

Year 6 - Home Learning 23.3.2020

Year 6 - Home Learning 30.3.2020

Year 6- Home Learning 20.4.2020

Year 6 - Home Learning 27.4.2020

Year 6 - Home Learning 4.5.2020

Year 6 - Home Learning 11.5.2020

Year 6 - Home Learning 18.5.2020 - NEW!