SEND Information
Special Educational Needs (SEN) - Our school offer (last reviewed October 2021)
SENDCo | SEND Governor | |
Name | Charlotte Pemberton | Lynda Hoyle |
Contact Number
01759 380327 | 01759 380327 |
| |
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024
There are a range of webinars and panel discussions taking place during Neurodiversity Celebration Week. All events are free of charge, open to all and can be accessed via the link below.
Please note that these events are being recorded, to increase accessibility for all around the world. Links to the recordings will be sent via email post-event, so please make sure you register for the events so that you don't miss out!
Neurodiversity Celebration Week Events
Wilberfoss SEND Leaflet for Parents
Where I have said agree (expectations and well-behaved) this is because I have sense that whilst this is important to the school it is not to the detriment to the child’s psychosocial wellbeing. This feels very important to me. The support my child has had within the school has been exceptional, me and others I have spoken to about this, have never come across a school with such a deep and enduring commitment to children. I will be forever appreciative that my child has been offered such a good experience in the formative years of education. I believe that the first one to two years of school set the course for a child's educational career and what * has received at Wilberfoss has already given him a love and interest in learning, that now has the best opportunity of continuing. This has been a whole school effort, led by exceptional teachers (Miss Pemberton and Miss Petty) and the leadership and tone that is set by the Head. We could not have picked a better school for our child.
Parent of child with EHCP
School ethos regarding Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
It is the aim of the school to include all children, and to enable those with special educational needs to access a broad and balanced curriculum and take part in all aspects of school life. We strive to ensure that all children are safe and healthy, enjoy their education and achieve their potential, recognising the contribution they can make and their right to economic well being in adult life.
The school supports this aim by:
- Planning curriculum delivery to meet the needs of all pupils by considering different learning styles and differentiating tasks.
- Identifying barriers to learning and participation
- Working with parents or carers to identify and meet children’s needs.
- Assessing children’s needs by testing and observation.
- Providing staff with appropriate special educational needs training and information.
- Monitoring children’s progress using Passports, to be reviewed three times a year.
- Working in co-operation with the LA and other agencies.
- Seeking advice and support from outside experts as appropriate.
- Involving children in planning support, target setting and reviewing progress.
The following policies should be read in conjunction (see top of page):
Accessibilty Policy/Plan 2022-2025
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (Safeguarding)
Standard Admissions number: 30
Number on Roll | 225 |
Number on roll with SEND support | 21 |
Number on roll with EHCP | 8 |
As a school how do we identify, evaluate, assess and review children with SEND?
Pupil progress will be monitored by teacher observation of performance in the classroom, National Curriculum level assessments and tracking. If the teacher considers, or tests indicate, that a child is having difficulties with the curriculum, they will share their concerns with parents or carers, raise a Cause for Concern which outlines the support currently in place, monitor the child’s progress carefully and they may then suggest to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) that further assessment is needed.
If teachers and parents or carers agree that the child would benefit from additional support, suitable interventions and resources will be identified to address the area of difficulty, and this will be recorded on a SEND Report, which replaces the older Individual Education Plan document.
The child will be put on the School’s SEND Register at ‘SEND Support’, outlining the nature of the concern and indicating that they are receiving additional support within the school. Parents will be informed by letter of any additional interventions their child receives. The SENCo ensures that children receive support to address their individual needs.
The first point of contact should be the class teacher with any concerns. There are 3 parent’s meetings for children with SEND that are held throughout the year, however, at Wilberfoss the teaching staff are always happy to discuss children’s progress and attainment at any given point in the year. Parents can also contact the school SENCo who would be happy to answer any questions or deal with any concerns. If following review, additional support is no longer considered necessary, the child’s name will be removed from the SEND Register and their progress monitored to ensure that progress is maintained. The next school will be informed of the child’s SEND history.
Identification, assessment and evaluation
Your child’s progress will be monitored continuously throughout the year. There are also formal teacher assessments that are carried out termly to assess children’s current understanding of reading, spelling, writing and mathematics. If a child is not making the expected progress either the class teacher/ SENDCo/Senior Leadership team will identify these children. From this point appropriate interventions are offered to allow children to ‘catch up’.
At times it is appropriate to seek the advice of external agencies, such as the school Educational Psychologist. They are in a position to carry out particular testing to identify more specific conditions/learning difficulties. Very frequently these tests do not change the way a child assesses the curriculum. To discuss this further feel free to make an appointment with the SENCo.
Reviewing progress
Each term when SEND Passports are reviewed and updated, parents will get the opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher or the SENDCo to discuss the Passport further. At this meeting you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress along with any new targets that are set for them. If your child has a statement of special needs they will have an annual review each year to discuss progress over a year and to set and agree new targets. It is at this meeting that school staff and outside agencies will be invited to attend and make contributions.
In addition, if children fail to make progress, in spite of high quality, targeted support at SENS, we may apply for the child to be assessed for an EHCP. Generally, we apply for an EHCP if:
- The child is Looked After and therefore additionally vulnerable
- The child has a disability which is lifelong and which means that they will always need support to learn effectively
- The child’s achievements are so far below their peers that we think it likely that the
child may at some point benefit from special school provision.
Children, who we think will manage in mainstream schools, albeit with support, are less often assessed for EHCP. Having a diagnosis (e.g. of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) or dyslexia) does not mean that a child needs an EHCP.
Who should you contact if you have concerns about your child’s learning/SEN?
Your first point of contact should be the class teacher. There are 3 parent’s meetings held throughout the year for children with SEND, however, at Wilberfoss the teaching staff are always happy to discuss your child’s progress and attainment at any given point in the year. You can also contact the school SENDCo who would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Support available
We have many literacy and numeracy interventions that run during school. The concept behind these programmes is to assist children in closing the gaps in their learning. Not all children respond to a particular intervention so at times it is necessary to modify them slightly or try a new approach. We have a number of facilities that are available for all of our pupils. These include lunchtime clubs and after school clubs. We also have a snug (Nurture facility) room in school which is a quiet, calm space that can be used for interventions throughout the day.
Children across school are taught lessons from HeartSmart. This is a programme that is used to support children in building their emotional health and resilience. In addition, nurture groups, friendship groups and social skills groups are also available. In school we are currently training staff as ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants). ELSA sessions can support a child is who is struggling with on-going emotional difficulties that may be impacting their ability to learn. They can also support children with extremely emotive situations such as bereavement. Also available in the school is a library area which can offer support to children with SEND.
How will the school ensure all staff are aware and understand my child’s SEND?
Transition meetings take place between year groups. At these meetings specific needs are discussed along with the strategies that have been used. If your child has a medical disability their needs are made known to all the relevant people. We often invite professionals in to school to discuss conditions such diabetes and epilepsy to ensure that staff knowledge is secure.
How will the school communicate with parents/carers if there are concerns about a child’s learning?
If there are concerns regarding your child’s progress often your child’s class teacher will contact you to discuss progress. If there are further concerns a meeting may be held between yourself, the class teacher and the SENDCo. Such a meeting would help to identify the next steps in ensuring appropriate support for your child
How is support allocated?
All teachers at Wilberfoss C of E Primary School are teachers of children with SEND. However, there are times when extra support is needed to ensure children reach their full potential. One way of doing this is by providing each class with a full time teaching assistant (TA). In addition, children that are on the register have 1:1 support with the TA in the class as well as other small group interventions.
Other people and organisations that provide services to our school
We welcome the support of outside agencies and work closely with the staff from the Educational Psychology Team, Behavioural Support, Speech and Language service, Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS), Youth Support Workers, Education Service for Physical Disability (ESPD), Integrated Sensory Support Service, Social Care and Occupational Therapy.
What training have staff received to help them support children with SEND?
Staff development is very important here at Wilberfoss, and as such we spend a great deal of time investing in professional development for all staff. Staff have had access to internal training opportunities along with training provided by outside agencies. Training has covered dyslexia, effective use of teaching assistant, autistic spectrum conditions awareness, speech and language, guided reading, writing, mathematic strategies, Precision Teaching, attachment and effective use of SEND Passports.
How will teaching be adapted or a child with SEND?
All teachers at Wilberfoss are teachers of children with SEND. Lessons are made accessible for all by using a number of strategies including use of different resources, use of additional adults and different tasks.
What support is available for parents/carers of children with SEND?
We have an open door policy which means that parents/carers are always welcome to come in to school to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns that they may have. We work with many outside agencies who are able to support parents/carers of children with specific needs.
How is our school accessible to children with SEND?
At Wilberfoss C of E Primary School we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all those receiving services from the school. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life. Our admissions policy does not discriminate against pupils with SEND.
School facilities are available for children with SEND
We endeavour to offer a quiet, calm space for our children with SEND to learn and progress. In the classroom, there will be resources suited to their needs. Also available in the school is a library area and IT facilities which can offer support to the children with SEND.
How will children be supported during transitions to another setting/school?
There are a number of transition meetings, which take place throughout the school. In Year 6 meetings takes place between ourselves and the feeder secondary schools. These meetings are held to share data, attendance, individual education plans and pastoral information.
We believe in early intervention and close liaisons with Kiddies Corner and Childminders are important and are held in the summer term before your child starts Reception in the September. The Early Response team will be included in these if necessary.
In terms of transition between year groups systems are in place to ensure that the following class teacher is aware of specific needs and next steps in learning. For example, they attend the Summer term annual review for EHCP children and also the SEND Passport review session which is held with parents.
Although * has not had any diagnosis, he has had extra support and meetings with Miss Pemberton regarding his progress so far and moving forward to potentially getting extra support as he grows up through the school. The support we have had since September has been incredible, the time and effort they put in we are so grateful for and he has improved because of their support and care. The keyworker also commented how impressed she has been with the early years support for *.