Believe, Grow, Achieve


Science at Wilberfoss: The Big Picture!

Science should explore the awe and wonder of the world. Alongside scientific knowledge and understanding, investigation and practical work should form a vital part of the science curriculum. Children will be encouraged to ask scientific questions, make predictions, explain what is happening and analyse their findings. We understand that science has changed our lives and will continue to play an important part in improving them. Children should be inspired to become the scientists of the future and make a difference in the world.


Foundational science knowledge is primarily taught through the ‘understanding the world: the natural world area of learning (EYFS Progression document).  The beginnings of scientific concepts will be built on in Year 1.  This is where we then start to follow the National Curriculum programme of study through a purchased scheme called ‘Switched on Science’.  This ensures cohesion and progression.  Topics have been sequenced in the long term plan to show progression across all year groups and key stages, while each unit references a specific scientist to provide cultural capital for the children. Many topics are revisited to ensure prior learning can be used support new ideas and concepts (see knowledge assessment document).  Children are given opportunities to carry out their own investigations, providing valuable learning experiences for all children.


In EYFS, the learning is based upon development matters and the school's curriculum document. This is taught through adult directed activities and provision areas/provocations.  The key objectives for Years 1-6 are taken from the National Curriculum through ‘Switched on Science’.  Lesson plans to supplement teacher knowledge and provide ideas and investigations for each unit are then followed through this scheme of learning. 

To provide key information, core vocabulary and the big ideas that all children are expected to master, Knowledge Organisers are created to take home prior to the topic beginning.  Key vocabulary (from the knowledge Organiser) is displayed in the classroom along with clear definitions.  These are then referred to throughout the topic. 

Discussion and effective questioning by the teacher is key to allowing pupils to recall new knowledge.  It will also help them make links between new material and prior learning. 

Through the use of formative assessment each lesson, information can be recalled by the children.  Opportunities for information recall are included in science lessons to ensure that this knowledge is transferred into the long term memory.  Activities in ’Floor books’ will provide children with an opportunity to discuss and explain new ideas and concepts and/or recall prior learning. These activities may be in the in the form of labelling diagrams, discussing concept cartoons, explaining true or false statements, to name but a few.  It is fundamental that misconceptions are addressed quickly  so children will also complete low threat/high challenge quizzes independently to support this formative assessment. 


The children in EYFS are constantly assessed and misconceptions are addressed immediately or through 'Feeding Forward' where these can be addressed through provision enhancements or during adult directed activities. A GSA (gap and strength analysis) is also completed each half term to identify any areas which need to be addressed. 

Through years 1-6, formative assessment is used in each lesson to gauge the children’s long term memory for each topic.  Units are explicitly linked to prior learning from previous years to support this recall. 

In each lesson, a variety of activities are used to check that children are not only learning new things but they are remembering things that have been learnt previously.  Pupil’s work is used to secure and demonstrate children’s learning.  Although this may take the form of written work, photographs, diagrams, graphs, and charts are also expected to be used by children to show their understanding.  Pupil’s work informs teacher assessment, both formative and summative, and is used by the subject lead as part of the monitoring process (alongside pupil voice, teacher discussions and learning walks). Once the topic is complete, each child will complete a short summative assessment that covers the main knowledge and understanding for that topic. 

The class teacher will assess each child’s attainment and enter this onto Insight.  Teachers will monitor whether the child is on track to be the expected standard by the end of the year. The subject lead will have an overview of the data to track the progress and attainment of the different year groups allowing analysis of strengths and areas of development to take place.

Curriculum Progression Map for Science

copy of copy of science coverage grid.pdf

What does science look like at Wilberfoss?

 Science Week 2022

Year 6 - Investigation into whether the type of liquid had an impact on how quickly an object moved through it.

We also did lots of practice in measuring, observing and recording with living things.



Year 5 - an investigation into which material makes the strongest bag! Image
Year 4 - an investigation into the biscuit that retains its structure the best when dunked into a cup of tea the quickest. Image
Year 3 - thinking about what kind of creature could posible live on Mars Image
Year 2 - an investigation into the most waterproof material for a coat Image

EYFS - floating and sinking investigation.

Also one of our parents is a volcanologist at The University of Hull and this inspired us to make our own volcanoes!



Y5/6 - we were lucky enough to hear from a range of our parents about their STEM careers and how we might get involved in the future!

